Born in 1983, from a musical background, Aimo Pagin decided to devote himself to his passion. He started piano at age 7, at the conservatoire of Strasbourg with F. Claustre, and then at the conservatoire of Colmar with RENA SHERESHEVSKAYA, where he finished his studies, receiving unanimously the diploma for piano, music theory as well as chamber music. In 2001 he was accepted to study at the conservatoire supérieur de musique in Geneva, with DOMINIQUE MERLET for three years, ending with the highest dinsctinction, the Diplôme de Soliste.
His longing for musical knowledge brought him to the United States where he was accepted as a student of world famous pianist and pedagogue LEON FLEISHER.
In addition to his formal education with his masters, Aimo Pagin has taken precious advice from many well known and respected musicians, such as : RADU LUPU, MURRAY PERAHIA, DAVID ZINMAN, VLADIMIR FELTSMAN, ANDRAS SCHIFF, PASCAL ROGE, DIMITRI BASHKIROV, MARIA TIPO , VALENTIN GHEORGHIU.
His musical expression, his ability to communicate sound and his wide-ranging musical interests draw considerable attention to himself in today’s musical world.
Since then, national and international music awards have been bestowed upon him. He won at age 14 the First prize at the CONCOURS MUSICAL DE FRANCE in Paris. Prizewinner of the INTERNATIONAL GEORGE ENESCU COMPETITION (Bucharest 2005) and of the VALSESIA MUSICA (Milano 2006), he won the First prize at the PREMIO PIANISTICO PAUSILYPON (Napoli 2006) with outstanding acclaim, and made with this occasion his debut on italian national TV (RAI).
In November 2007 he won the Second prize at the FERROL INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION (Spain), in August 2008 the Second prize at the JACOPO LINUSSIO INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION in Tolmezzo (Italy) and more recently the First prize at the PALMA D’ORO INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION (Summer 2009) and the Second prize at the PREMIO FAUSTO ZADRA (Abano Terme, Italy 2010).
From then on, Aimo Pagin has embarked on a rising career, and news of his talent spread internationally, performing at Carnegie Hall New York, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Beethoven-Haus Bonn, Tonhalle Zürich, Societa dei Concerti Milano, Palais des Beaux-arts Bruxelles, BBC London, is asked to perform in renowned Festivals such as Festival Chopin (Paris), Festvail de Radio-France (Montpellier), Festival St-Jean Cap Ferrat, Nuits musicales en Armagnac, Chopin Gesellschaft Hannover, Ushuaia International Festival, Mendelssohn Musikwoche Wengen, Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival.
As a soloist, Aimo Pagin has made appearances with the NSO (New Symphony Orchestra), Berliner Symphoniker, Bucarest Philarmonic, Orchestre National de Montpellier…
He has also a strong experience in chamber music, performing also with his mother the great violinist SILVIA MARCOVICI in numerous European cities, in both recital and concerto repertoire.
In March 2009 he is asked to perform Beethoven’s third piano concerto instead of the great pianist RADU LUPU with the Philarmonic Orchestra of Bucharest under the direction of maestro Cristian Mandeal, and in 2010 made his official debut at the BBC London. He has recorded several live recitals as well for the german radio Südwestrundfunk. His CD labeled LAWO and contains a set of piano pieces by composer Martin ROMBERG.
Aimo has played with musicians of the Berlin Philarmonic, touring all over Europe, and has recently played a Premiere of Liszt (posthume) 3rd Piano concerto with the Biel/Solothurn Orchestra in Switzerland, broadcasted by Radio Classique under the direction of Kaspar Zehnder.
Aimo Pagin teaches piano at the Conservatoire Pôle Superieur at the Cité des Arts in his native city of Strasbourg.
“(...) highly gifted, responsive, and motivated”
“Aimo Pagin is a very talented young pianist, who is completely devoted to his passion, music ”

"Un pianiste exceptionnel. On peut dire que ce jeune homme semble né avec la musique tant il est déconcertant de facilité et de naturel, il joue comme il respire”
Dernières nouvelles d’Alsace, 2006
"Sa réputation va grandissant, et son triomphe, il y a un an au concours Enescu a accéléré un processus qui semble irrésistible. On avait remarqué Aimo Pagin adolescent alors qu’il étudiait à Strasbourg et Colmar, avant d’aller se tremper à d’autre influences, dont la plus marquante sans doute fut celle de Leon Fleisher à Baltimore. Et il passa dans son jeu quelque chose qui semble hérité du grand interprète, une manière de faire du geste musical une “cosa mentale” une obsession de la ligne qui régit l’architecture de toute une pièce et en crée la signification"
Christian Fruchart, Dernières nouvelles d’Alsace, 2006
"La salle avait fait le plein , lors du passage de ce prodige (…). Aimo Pagin a enchanté les mélomanes , sa prestation n’a laissé personne indifférent”.
“Aimo Pagin is not only an extraordinarily gifted pianist, but also has a high degree of musical and wordly sophistication and intelligence, unusual at his age.”
“Das Publikum liess sich erobern… Pagin zauberte auch einen Klangteppich mit überaus geschmeidiger Fabulierfreude.”
Okka Mallek, CHOPIN GESELLSCHAFT, Hannover 2008
“Grosse Musikalität , wie Intelligenz und Reife. In Allererster Linie ein überaus differenziertes klangdynamisches und artikulatorisches Dispositionsvermögen. Wohldurchdachter Feinsinn herrschte dann auch bei der Darstellung von Beethovens vorletzter Klaviersonate As-Dur Op.110 mit ihren so anrührenden Klang- und Ausdrucksbefunden. Und schönste, in sich reich abschattierte Kantabilität ,die immer wieder auch sehr fein den häufigen Dur-Moll-Wechseln nachging, schliesslich bei Franz Schuberts wundersamer letzter Klaviersonate B-Dur D.960 ”
Barbara Kaempfert, General-Anzeiger, BONN 2007
“Mit seinem 24 kann der Pianist Aimo Pagin , der jetzt bei “Young Stars” im Beethoven-Haus gastierte, bereits auf eine beachtliche Konzerterfahrung und zahlreiche internationale Preise verweisen. Und was der sehr ernst wirkende junge Künstler dann im Kammermusiksaal bot, zeugte von ebenso grosser Musikalität wie Intelligenz und Reife . Dabei bestach in allererster Linie ein überaus differenziertes klangdynamisches und artikulatorisches Dispositionsvermögen.”
GENERAL-ANZEIGER , Barbara Kaempfert Weitbrecht, BONN 2007
“I have known Aimo Pagin for many years. I have had the delight to witness his growth, as a pianist as a musician , and as a human being. Aimo is a very talented, gifted and intelligent performer. He has an impeccable technique , he demonstrates complete and true musicianship, as well as being a deep and thoughtful individual.”