Sound Cities
Community Music Ecosystems

18 January 2021 - KICK-OFF
Sound Cities: Community Music Ecosystems is a global online conference series bringing inspiring voices from the intersection of city planning, music entrepreneurship, and cultural agency into the lives of individuals on all continents. By exploring diverse cases where music has played a strategic role in sustainable urban development, this series develops practical insights into how music can support economically prosperous, vibrant, and engaged city ecosystems.
Sound Cities is a co-presentation of (Re)Setting The Stage, a global knowledge hub launched in March 2020 by The Global Leaders Program with four partners to shed light on dynamic challenges and opportunities faced by arts sector professionals.
Join us starting January 18 by participating, exchanging and discussing in these interactive cross-sector and cross-continental conversations to make sense of a performing arts world both transformed and transforming.
18 January – 1:00PM ET: Sound Cities
20 January – 1:00PM ET: Case Study: Frutillar Chile
27 January – 1:00PM ET: Case Study: Huntsville USA
4 February – 5:30PM ET: Case Study: Adelaide Australia
Session 1: Sound Cities
Monday, January 18, 19:00 Madrid/Berlin | 1:00 pm New York/Bogotá
Description: As musicians explore socially productive practices that can help advance local agendas of sustainable development, few cities understand how to plan, manage, and develop music for economic, social, and cultural gain. Join a panel of experts discussing evidence that demonstrates what happens when the city ecosystems within which artists work are strategically developed.
Doris Sommer (Harvard University & Cultural Agents)
Shain Shapiro (Sound Diplomacy)
Alexandra Solea (Soleart Management | Moderator)
Session 2: Case Study: Frutillar Chile
Wednesday, January 20, 19:00 Madrid/Berlin | 1:00 pm New York/Bogotá
Description: Across the world, different cities are working to position music as a strategic vehicle of both economic growth and social development. As shared practices among these cities drive innovative approaches for increasing the value of music within city ecosystems, a panel of leading cultural institutions from UNESCO-nominated Creative City of Music, Frutillar (Chile), reflects on the impact that art is having on the development of their city.
Sonia Nuñez (Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Frutillar)
José Feuereisen (PLADES)
Cecilia Bravo (Teatro del Lago)
Sebastián Errazuriz (Universidad San Sebastián)
Marcela Rentería (Harvard DRCALS | Moderator)
Session 3: Case Study: Huntsville
Wednesday, January 27, 19:00 Madrid/Berlin | 1:00 pm New York/Bogotá
Description: Since 2018, the city of Huntsville has used music as a vehicle for attracting talent and investment, promoting the city, and improving the lives of its residents. From commissioning a music audit to map all its music assets, to launching a city-supported music board, and investing in new music infrastructure, Huntsville has positioned music at the center of the city's economic, tourism, and quality of life strategies. This is a unique approach that few cities - as city governments - embark on. Join the session to understand the story of Huntsville's engagement with music policy, its successes and challenges, and how it has impacted the city.
Judy Allison (Purple19)
Thomas Battle (Mayor of Huntsville, Alabama)
Mario Maitland (The Maitland Conservatory)
Shain Davis (Huntsville Center for Urban and Economic Development)
Shain Shapiro (Sound Diplomacy | moderator)
Session 4: Case Study: Adelaide
Thursday, February 4, 5:30 pm New York | 9:00 am Adelaide
Description: Back in 2015, Adelaide (Australia) was designated a UNESCO Creative City of Music. This prestigious title acknowledges Adelaide’s musical history, as well as its commitment to position music as a central vehicle for sustainable local development. Join a panel of local experts and government officials to explore how this city is propelling its commitment to music forward through policy shifts and innovative work across the education, industry, tourism, and community music sectors.
Becc Bates (South Australia Department for Innovation)
Ann Rundle (Adelaide City of Music)
Becc Pearce (Adelaide City of Music)
Shain Shapiro (Sound Diplomacy | moderator)